Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Two More Days Till Spring....

Trying to be a bit artsy and funny with Noomi... we decided to do a selfie together... She's been a total Mama's girl the past couple of days, sleeping with me, washing my face and hair, jumping on me (hurts because she's about 25 lbs. now!)...

I have Frühjahrsmüdigkeit!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously.... I'm not depressed - but after having been on such an energy kick, so furiously wanting to do so much and see so much and move and be outside... all of a sudden these past two days, my mood hasn't been so sunny (just a crab-apple like mood) and my energy level dropped to nothing by 5:00 p.m. last joints were aching, I had a headache, and sure enough, it will be Spring in two days... WELL, I'm not going to let it get me - I'm going to be energetic and happy go lucky no matter what!!!!!  So back to the MANIC me!!!!  

Last night I watched Magic in the Moonlight, a Woody Allen film, the story taking place during the 1920s in the South of France on the coast, and Provence... it was breathtakingly beautiful, the story was simple/sweet, though I didn't really find any great sparks or chemistry between Emma Stone and Colin Firth - as I watched the film, I kept thinking how absolutely phenomenal it would be to have a home in Provence...with gardens full of sweet smelling beauties, herbs, ... to just lie on a blanket with a good book in the sunshine and not have to worry about Fire Ants eating me up... 

Makes me wonder - does my son remember all the times on vacation when I saw beautiful grass lawns in parks and coaxed him into lying on it and rolling around and laughing because we would not be bitten up or stung - like here in Florida where he's learned you don't do that unless you want to be covered in bites and welts... We rolled around some of the best parks.... Hyde Park right near the enterance by The Royal Albert Hall and the monument....

or one of my favorite roll in the grass times in Brussells Park.... that's where I saw my very first Magpie!!!!  


  1. Roll to your hearts content!!
    What a great post!!

    Linda :o)

    1. :) Thanks Linda!!!!!! I bet Ireland with all its green green grass would be a great place to roll!!!! :) I need to make sure to put it on my bucket list!!!!


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