Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Rambling Thoughts for Today....

I watched "Queen of Play" last night with Kevin Kline and Sandrine Bonnaire, a movie filmed in Corsica.  I had been waiting for this movie to come out in rental, as it never did play in the theaters near me.  

The dialogue- simple, the setting - simple, the characters - simple, the story - simple, and to me it made for the most beautiful and heart-warming film!  I now want to move to Corsica!!!!  I want Madame Bonnaire's "chicness"... and of course, I'd love to share Mr. Kline's character's Maison with either Mr. Kline or a look-a-like!  I kid not - I find him extremely attractive in his messy, rag tag, bearded -wild haired look!!! (He was my crush after seeing "French Kiss")

It's funny how 10 years ago, the thought of going to France petrified me.  I was worried about how I'd have to dress, speak, act, where would I stay, how rude would the citizens be, etc.  I told my parents my fear when they were suggesting I should go with the kid on my next big vacation (those many years ago).  My dad said "There are jerks no matter where you go, what better are they than anyone else, to let that be something to keep you from going?"... I went... I fell in love... Paris was amazing, but even more amazing the second time when I hired a private tour guide and customized the tour to fit what we wanted to see and do in such a short time - - - it was amazing!  But, that was just Paris.  (I can count the rude people of Paris on one hand - a police woman, a waiter, and the woman behind a counter in a patisserie).. and why do a lot of Europeans feel it is okay to "stare"?  My German friend said "Sabrina, they are staring at your beauty!" - that doesn't help!  He's "German" and has a crush on me.

Then when driving around Belgium, towards Luxembourg, the kid and I got sidetracked many times, and ended up crossing the border into France a few times... 

Nobody was rude, some of the little villages with the stone/brick homes decorated with overflowing, colorful flower boxes, was enchanting!!  Even if I could not speak to the locals, a smile was our universal language.. 

As my mind wanders:

I think the reason I love Belgium so much - it's got a little bit of Dutch, a (very) little bit of German, and a little bit of French...all mixed up - and all their best qualities into one small package.    

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

‎"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." — A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

I was home doing house chores, stripping the bed, and this wild furry thing is trying to attack me, this is him waiting to get me from the foot of my bed.  I chased him back and forth through the house, laughing at the top of my lungs over how silly he was and how much of a nutter he makes me!!!

After dealing with the "Meanies &Uglies" at the office all day, I come home to the Habibi... the ever-so-charming and terrorizing ball of fluff.

Saturday morning ... my very energetic, crazy friend, Troy, had me up early and at the gym for Body Sculpting class and Spinning class.  Let's just say, Monday morning when I got to work, I could not lift my arms... they were so sore.  Now it's Tuesday, the soreness is gone, and there's the email from Troy, "Hey chickarica!  Are we going to the gym tonight?"... My gym bag is packed and in the car... going to be sore tomorrow!!!!

I fell off the Non-Carbohydrate Wagon...  I admitted it to a friend, and she said "What did you eat?"... I replied, "Some Multigrain Pita Chips with seafood salad"... Her reaction was "Oh YUCH, I thought you bought a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts and I could come over and share!!!"   Yeah, that's the support I get from my best friend!!!

How I used to believe in Romance!!!!  I am SO JADED!!!!!  When I was just around 30 yrs. old, and working at a prestigious local law firm with another friend of mine... she scoffed at me for the romance novels I would read on break.  She said they'd make me believe that all that "romance" was real and that I would be disappointed.  That the only way I'd have a lasting relationship would be to not have such high expectations of that Prince Charming whisking me away on his trusty steed and living HAPPILY EVER FOREVER.

Nowadays, I don't really believe that there's no such thing as romance, I just don't believe I have the tools to pick Prince Charming out of the loads of frogs floating in the pond outside... and so I'm wary...untrusting... and SINGLE.

I have got to get out more often...  This weekend I was watching television and just started thinking, hmmm, I wonder how Hans is?  He had sent me a short email saying he was moving, and then nothing...and that was months ago.  I was just falling asleep, and the phone rings, it's Hans... saying that on Sunday he had gone to the Whole Foods by my house and thought "I need to give Sabrina a call..."  He called - he told me about having to move, the neighborhood he moved to, and that when he had some money he'd like to take me out again... {{yah yah yah}}

Another guy who has lead me to believe he likes me a lot, and I've gone out with "ONCE"... writes me a message that we need to go out and do something sometime... I tell him, Call me... never hear from him... only messages on Facebook ... {{he's recently divorced with 2 young children, 2 college kids and living with his parents}}

My ex-boyfriend I really fell for, that broke my heart, and I should be thinking "Good Riddance" has been slowly instant messaging me more and more each week.  Seems when he's bored at work, I'm entertainment... I don't get enthusiastic, but I can find myself getting "hopeful"... and then I back off... way off... {{he is too far away and obviously not that 'into' me}}

So... I am going to make sure to tell my friends - - - bring on the party invitations, I want to get out ... I'm never going to meet someone interesting by working, sitting at home with Habibi, and so far, Mafia Wars hasn't proved to be too forthcoming of a date - unless I want to travel far, far away - the interesting ones all live in Germany or Denmark - even a few in Sweden that sound quite fun.... I do believe it is time to realize I have to find someone in my own backyard - and stop looking for the unavailable and unreachable...

Who knows... maybe I'll meet someone at the gym!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is fourteen days. ~Totie Fields

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.  ~Author Unknown

It's time to get things started...

I've shipped the kid back off to his dorm in South Florida to start his Sophomore year in college...

I've finally sold the albatross around my neck (my house), and now I no longer have that stress and anxiety or worry... it's sold, the new owners love it, and though sad to say a final goodbye - it's gone!!!!!  Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

And, now, cleaning the Holy Sabrina House - my body... I've started on a low carbohydrate diet... cut out bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and anything with added sugar... I've begun exercising and reprogramming myself to be happy, healthy, and active... 

Out goes the bad, and here comes?  We'll have to see... two months I will be back at the doctor's and see what difference it has made in the ever rising glucose and triglycerides... caused from sugar/starch consumption and lack of exercise.  

So far, so good... have slept like a baby, have had more energy... I feel like the lethargic fog and funk I've been in - is finally starting to lift...

Hello Lettuce Wraps, Salads, Egg White-Veggie Omelets, fresh fruit, and Green Tea ...

Goodbye Diet Soda, Bread, Spaghetti, and whatever bad stuff I have been eating...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

For My Mom - Who Lost Her Furbaby Today....

Rainbow Bridge 

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown... 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Claude vs. Habibi


2011-07-30 23.26.05 Meet Claude… Jean Claude to be precise.  We thought he might prefer being considered French, he has the ears and body of a Papillon, but the markings of an Australian Shepherd or Blue Heeler.  I found Jean Claude wandering, alone, starving and scared in my driveway, weaving under parked cars.   No Tags… No Identification… With the help of my downstairs neighbors and my son, we cornered him and safely tucked him away in a crate and took him home… Put an advertisement up under Lost & Found, and we walked him around and around and asked people if they knew “Claude”… their reactions were all the same, “No, but oh my Gosh, he’s so cute!!!!”  Yes, he is – a very well behaved, little gentleman, and quite happy to be tucked under my son’s arm – on his lap – chilling… 2011-07-30 23.27.55 With my son leaving for work (and being gone throughout the entire week) and myself having to work long days – sometimes up to 10-12 hours away from home – I began to panic .. who will take care of Claude?  So, my son brushed Claude, put a leash on him, and went downstairs to socialize with the neighbors – and they now have Claude.  Claude is with a Mom, Dad, and little 5 yr. old girl and a family cat, and unless someone claims him as their own in response to flyer and internet Lost and Found, he’ll be living with this nice family.

This makes a certain “Furball of Terror” very happy…. Habibi went crazy, he loomed over the dog, eyes twitching, low growly sounds, just all ALPHA Cat, this is MY Home, that’s MY MOTHER, and you need to leave… Poor Claude, he’d start looking to bury himself under a pillow on the couch to hide from this Mean and Angry Puffball.

2011-07-30 11.36.16

This is the kind of behavior one must expect, when you leave your teenaged cat around a computer, they start playing Mafia Wars and get a serious ‘Tude.

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