Friday, May 2, 2014

Catching Up....

In March I flew to NY State to visit my mother and brother, sister-in-law, and the PRINCE (my sweet, beautiful nephew).  My mother and I shared many a good laugh!!!!!!  She drove me past the Alpaca farm - which I was so excited, Love me some Alpacas!  They are so funny to look at..... I got to see the last of the snow, experience bitter windy cold days, and bundle up with Mum and look at pictures and decorating books, etc., not to mention watching some funny Brit TV like The Blandings.  It was a lovely visit... and now I miss her....

Since that trip, I've been working so many hours, and then just no energy afterwards... kaput!  I drop like a fly the minute I step into the house.  Work Work Work, makes me dull!

BUT, tomorrow is Celebration time!  It's my birthday!!!  My BFF has arranged for a get together at a big and popular restaurant... it will be fun times spent with what she described as "My adopted dysfunctional family"... I love them ... they are very warm and fuzzy people!!!!

So far I've had a few little early birthday treats, free lunches with friends, free Starbucks beverages, and today I received a gift card to Bonefish Grill and Starbucks and a beautiful Lemon birthday cake that was GONE in a blink of an eye - none to take home with me....

So far, just a bit fat, happy and lazy lately.... time to get off the tushka and getta moving and find some energy...... with this birthday I feel like life is flying by so fast and my office gets the most of me - I need to make a change!!!!!!


  1. Happiest of birthdays, Sabrina!
    Making a change sounds good to me. Just do it!

    1. I'm going to make a change...!!!!! I'll let you know what I do as soon as I do it!!!! :) xx

  2. A nice change would be to move back up to NY or NJ and be closer to your family .. bring your BFF with you . :)
    I hope you are out having fun today in sunshine and warmth .. it is freezing cold in NY and I think I saw some birds out back wearing little puffy coats.
    Love you

    1. I am cracking up over the idea of birds in puffy coats!!!! It's in the 90s here in the afternoons ... ughhhhh.... they say this is going to be a HOT HOT summer... Love ya!


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