Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Mother's Love....

"The truth is a mother and her child are not separate entities. A child is a part of the mother in every aspect. He literally comes out of her body, they are created from her very own egg, in the womb he partakes of the same food. A child is a mother’s life walking outside, an extension. In fact, a mother achieves immortality through her child. She lives on beyond her own years through that child. She rejoices in seeing her child outdo her because she is not competing against him. You cannot compete against yourself." ... from

What did my son write in my card for Mother's Day?

"Thank you for being such a strong and amazing woman"  and "Thank you for being so loving and always there and so supportive of me"...

I would move Heaven and Earth for my child...if I could...  

My love for my child is indescribable.  I only know that he "knows" that I love him... regardless of if I'm annoyed, hurt, or disappointed - regardless of whether I'm elated at his success in whatever he is doing, happy, and proud of him - regardless of what is happening in our lives... 

There was never a moment in his life that I did not want him; there was never a moment in his life where I was not worried for his safety and concerned for his well-being and doing anything and everything to make sure he never did without... I'm not perfect, but nobody nor anything is... and nothing can diminish or belittle or undermine the love I have for my child.

My love has never faultered for my child.  I've gone above and beyond never lashing out at him in anger in a way to destroy his sense of my love for him.  He grew up without ever doubting, without ever feeling any concern, that I might not love him.  All I have to say is "You know what?" and he says "You love me"... 

I know that when he marries and has children of his own, that my love will be the creation of the wonderful husband and parent that he will one day be.... and that love I have had for my child will be passed on to his wife and children.  One day he will say to his child "You know what?" and the child will smile up at him and say "You love me"... 


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