Monday, April 22, 2013

The Stand Off

Who is going to stay in the Rubbermaid Container - will it be Habibi or Noomi?  Can you guess?  These two cats play together - they chase each other all over the house, I can't help but laugh when Noomi instigates a game of chase.  She whacks Bibi and runs like a mad girl, skids to a halt, arches her back, looks to see if he's chased her... if he hasn't, she goes flying back and whacks him again.  WELL, she wins ownership of the Rubbermaid container - Habibi is a WUSS.

Last night he was snuggled up with me and we were watching Call the Midwife.  Noomi, the fatty-cat, jumps on the bed, sneaks up on him and smacks him.  I look at her and tell her "No" and so she puts her paw down, leans over and starts washing his ear!  THEN, of course, when she thinks the coast is clear, smacks him again and the chase is on!  

It doesn't really feel great having an 18 lbs. cat jump on you and use you as a diving board or to push off for a good leap or sprint.  

BUT, it does feel good when they wear themselves out and snuggle up with me in bed - purring and all soft and sweet.  I just love my cats - though Noomi is not mine, but my Kid's.  

I walked into the living room last night to watch Game of Thrones with my son, and there he is sitting on the couch doing his homework with fatty-cat all up against him with her paws and head on him - saying, He's MINE, ALL MINE... my poor son cannot even go to the bathroom without her having to be with him.  If he doesn't let her in, she screams outside the door and practically throws herself at it, until he opens it and lets her in.  She only does it to me, if he's not home.  

Every cat owner knows, cats like to go into the bathroom with you and do circles eights around your legs, but this cat, this chunk of fatty-cat, she wants to sit on your lap and groom your face and hair while you pee.  My cats are freaks, and I love them dearly...

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