Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is fourteen days. ~Totie Fields

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.  ~Author Unknown

It's time to get things started...

I've shipped the kid back off to his dorm in South Florida to start his Sophomore year in college...

I've finally sold the albatross around my neck (my house), and now I no longer have that stress and anxiety or worry... it's sold, the new owners love it, and though sad to say a final goodbye - it's gone!!!!!  Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

And, now, cleaning the Holy Sabrina House - my body... I've started on a low carbohydrate diet... cut out bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and anything with added sugar... I've begun exercising and reprogramming myself to be happy, healthy, and active... 

Out goes the bad, and here comes?  We'll have to see... two months I will be back at the doctor's and see what difference it has made in the ever rising glucose and triglycerides... caused from sugar/starch consumption and lack of exercise.  

So far, so good... have slept like a baby, have had more energy... I feel like the lethargic fog and funk I've been in - is finally starting to lift...

Hello Lettuce Wraps, Salads, Egg White-Veggie Omelets, fresh fruit, and Green Tea ...

Goodbye Diet Soda, Bread, Spaghetti, and whatever bad stuff I have been eating...


  1. Wow, respect! I could never cut out bread, rice or pasta. I, too, should loose some (a lot of) weight. Would be better for my thyroid and diabetes but I simply don't have the courage to start dieting again.
    I wish you the best of luck, though!

  2. Hi Myriam!! Thank you - and I can't believe it - 6.5 lbs lost in the few days I have started... giving me so much motivation!! I know it's hard to set your mind to letting those things go - but you can always go the healthier route and eat whole wheat, whole grain, unprocessed starches - like brown rice, whole wheat pastas, whole wheat breads, mmmmm... I'm making myself hungry!!! LOL..

  3. Well, I do so already. And I haven't touched any candy, chocolate, crisps, peanuts, soda ... for more than two months. I haven't lost a pound either. :-( Not good for the motivation.


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