Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“I am in a very unsettled condition, as the oyster said when they poured melted butter all over his back” ~ Edward Lear ‘literary nonsense’ (1812-1888)


Today is my birthday – and I feel 24 yrs. old…. I’m not… but I feel like it.  My day began with a scurrying to the driver’s license office, and renewed without any issue.  A trip to Starbucks for my free Birthday drink.  Off to work… and my Facebook page was inundated with Birthday wishes from strangers, friends, and family alike… I can’t keep up with all the birthday wishes; never have I had so many people wish me Happy Birthday!!!  Love it… it was a definite brightness to my day – that even a stranger, never meeting me in person, took that few seconds, that one moment, and wished me something positive.  It may seem corny or insignificant, but it isn’t really… a huge world, billions of people, and so far I’ve had over 100+ well wishes… from EVERY continent!!  It provides me hope and faith that there is more positive and goodness in humanity than not…

Good news:  My child is home for the next 3 months on Summer Break.  Last Friday I drove to Miami, after working all day and being sick, and packed him up, slept in the dorm with him, and then drove home the next day, unpacked, and still I am doing laundry.  No Complaints – I am thrilled to feel needed – even if it is just as a laundress.  I am so “co-dependent” and this makes my world go around…  I am planning on taking a nice summer vacation with him this year.  How I’ll afford it, I don’t know – but we’ll be creative and manage. 

Bad news:  My Habibi is (pardon my French) an Asshole/Bastard Cat… He IS… I get a text message the other day with a photo of his puddle on the clean carpet… It says “I regret to inform you, but the asshole peed on your clean carpet, AGAIN!”  He just finished a round of antibiotics – 2 weeks of fighting to shove two pills a day down that little Bastard Cat’s throat.  The only thing keeping him ALIVE, that adorable, smushy, sweet face and the fact that no matter how nasty he can be, he’s one of the loves of my life!!!!  MEN!!!!  {{Just Kidding}}  I’ll be taking him back to the vet this weekend for another urinalysis to see if we cleared up the infection – if it is clear – then he goes on Kitty Valium.

Work:  I had to stop with the overtime and killing myself with all the work and help… I wasn’t being compensated for it, refused compensation, and because of that… I quit putting in that much of my day and night, while other employees abuse and use their positions here – taking advantage every chance they get – the real killer was when I had the office bully slam something down on my desk and then follow it with some ugly offhanded comment – all completely unprovoked and unnecessary.  I’d already been advised of her attempts at alienating me from my co-workers with gossip and belittling me and my work and abilities.  Jealousy? I would say so….




  1. Congratulations on your birthday. So happy for you that your boy is home for the summer!

  2. Thank you Myriam!!! He made sure that I had a lovely little birthday celebration at home - and he got me a new video game for the Wii I have - and he and I spent too many late hours last night playing this game - and laughing and having a good time... it's wonderful having him home!!!!!!!


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