Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“Look on the Bright Side of Life…”~ Monty Python, Life of Brian



Some bumps in my life’s road this week, starting with feeling poorly because I went a bit obsessive with the house keeping this past weekend, my allergies have turned into a sinus infection, Habibi has picked up some kind of stomach bug or just an upset stomach from something he ate (so he’s having a little issue with pooing on the carpet), and then a crappy beginning to my work week…add the great hike in gas prices, the lack of extra money, and you have one miserable person.

So, instead of dwelling on the “Grumps” – I prefer to dwell on happier things… so I listened and watched the little Monty Python clip the song above belongs to… took in a good view of the sunshine and Springtime surroundings on my way into work, and made lunch plans to have a salad with a friend today.  I will ask her what travel plans/vacations she has planned this year.  She always goes away with her mother and two sisters every year to do something new and fun.  I love hearing about the plans, as well as, I love to hear about it all when she gets back from vacation.

Therefore, I have not been blogging because I have been feeling quite the “stick in the mud” and preferred to be quiet… I think today will be a better day – and if not – Bah Hum Bug ….


  1. I just bought this older video game called Monty Python's "A Complete Waste of Time" for almost the same reasons. Granted I don't have a cat, but I can't wait for this game to get here so that I can play a good round of "Spot the Looney!"

  2. OMG - I never heard of that game - how freaking KEWL is that?????? You know I LOVE MONTY PYTHON!!!!!!!!!! You will have to tell me all about it... MUST TELL ME!!!!!!!! Pinky Swear, Promise?????

  3. I can just picture you sitting at your desk, humming that tune.. with this smile on your face ...
    You know, you can always tell one of those attorneys that you p*ss in his general direction ~

  4. LOL - or how about telling them "Their mother is a hamster and their father smelt of Elderberries!" - OH HOW DULL life would be without comedy!!!!!!!! Now I am sitting here cracking up laughing... :) xx


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