Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ariba, Ariba, Andale, Andale!!!!! ~ Speedy Gonzalez


Today is my first day on Adipex, and I am feeling quite “zippy”… I have accomplished so much work at the office, it’s unbelievable.  Clients are impressed with my productivity – if they only knew – that they are thanking me for taking a prescribed form of “speed”… I got the medicine to kick start me into the diet mode, the health mode.  It helps me so much with having the energy to make it to the gym – otherwise, if I take it and don’t do anything – I crawl out of my skin… My mind feels like this painting looks:


Tonight I will be meeting friends for the new Tuesday Night weekly get together.  I made conditions to it – do not entice me with liquor or food, I will order Seltzer at the bar and a side salad with a light dressing on the side… Cheap, easy, and not fattening!!! 

Ever since I saw my friend’s video clip on her Facebook page, a salsa video, I’ve had the Merengue on my mind…

I saw the movie My Blue Heaven, with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis, years ago, and the characters went to S.O.B.s in NYC, and I was so enthralled with the sound and the dancing – as an adult I went and paid just to have Merengue lessons.  I knew I wanted to learn it and the moves weren’t difficult – anyone can dance the Merengue!!!  The story I was told was that a Dominican man had broken his leg but wanted to dance – and so – The Merengue!  I even got to show off my dancing skills when Lefty and I went on vacation to the Dominican Rep.  I wish I could get the guts up and find someone who wants to go to a Latin club so I can dance!!!!!  Dance before I forget how and/or am too old …. Right now I could get up and just move … it’s the Adipex!!!!!


  1. Zumbo .. you need to go to Zumbo. My friends rave about it.. you would be a natural.
    I would drop dead 5 minutes after starting :)

  2. I am planning on switching gym locations and getting their schedule and see if there are any of those classes at a time when I can go.. they have those classes on Wii video game too - been looking for it but it's always sold out... that's how popular!!!!!! My neighbors will love me, bouncing on their heads - though they might like the Latin music - could invite them up to dance with me!!! :)


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