Friday, March 6, 2015

The Decorating Finally Begins...

Yesterday, I ran home, made some lunch, and sat out on my terrace and basked in the sunshine and warmth - it was almost 90 degrees outside, sunshine, blue skies dotted with puffy cotton ball clouds, and a good strong breeze.  It was gorgeous!!!  I was not going to allow this one day of beautiful weather pass me by while I toll away on files and documents inside an office.  It just made my day so positive!!

Then today I woke up and it is a lot cooler out, raining, grey, and yet, I'm still happy... today's the day we start with the re-decorating my son's bathroom and bedroom.  Last night I scrubbed the bathroom walls down to make sure there was no beard trimmings, cat hair and dust to fuzz up the paint.  He worked on removing everything from his bedroom walls and getting out as much as he could...  I took a couple before pictures this time and saved them, so I can do a Before and After post.  

I couldn't believe how much energy I had yesterday. After weeks, or should I say months, of being sick, on antibiotics, feeling miserable and lacking any mobility, I all of a sudden, yesterday, after a day of work, still had the energy to clean walls, do some house chores, cook an incredible dinner... etc.  The only thing I noticed was that I began to get the shakes after I was finished... I'm guessing the lack of sugar and carbs and all that energy used - my sugar must have dropped like a hypoglycemic's... so I ate some berries and drank a lot of water and it went away.

I'm feeling peppy today too.  I'm ready for this weekend of getting the largest parts of my re-decorating plans completed.  Once that fresh paint is up and all the clutter moved out - things are going to look awesome!

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