Monday, March 30, 2015

Oh Beautiful Spring....

This weekend was quite chilly in the 60s and windy, and the skies were blue and sparkly.... Perfect March weather!!!  Great weather for Kite Fliers!!!!  I opened all the windows and doors to my home, and aired it out, cleaned, and relaxed and watched old movies (1940s-1950s)... and of course, cried... when I watched "Journey for Margaret" with Robert Young... oh my gosh, just to even think of it brings a tear to my eye... I am a ninny... the kid and I also watched "The Blue Gardenia" with a 36 yr old Raymond Burr!  It was pretty good - the end fooled us!!!!!

Today is breezy, but in the high 70s... so bright, cheerful, and here I am in an office... but I made sure at lunch time to go out and be out in the air and sun...even if it was for a few minutes....   now it's time to head off to visit the vampires, so they can tell me how good my blood is... so much fun!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Feeling Blessed....

I'm not inclined to say things related to religion much...or really discuss things about my spirituality... but, every now and then those little bits and pieces of my heart and soul sing out and remind me that there's a bigger picture...

Today it started with waking up bright and early this morning - feeling like I was on top of the world.... just Habibi and I curled up together... reminded me of  Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's...

When I left the house I was so happy to find out that the awful eyesore, broken down truck outside my condo (it's been bothering me), was gone!  I had written the Association and asked them to have it towed - I guess someone actually got my message and listened...

I went to get gas, and found out that I had $0.25 off per gallon of fuel reward discounts available on my card - so to fill my empty tank only cost me $26.00!!!!

The news was saying the traffic was horrendous, there was a gloom in the sky, gray, chilly, wet, and that misty rain that's not enough to be rain - just a fine mist... so I thought, hmmmm, let me check out the lines at the NEW Starbucks that opened right around the corner from my home - and LOW AND BEHOLD - I was the second in line!!!!!  I got a Trenta Iced Green Tea and drove off with a big grin...

Everyone seems pretty at ease today at the office... no bad 'tudes... It's an easy day - a busy day - but relaxed ... lovin' it!!!!!

My friend came in (she works for my employer outside our office for a family trust)... and we had a nice chat - she left  - and then she called me and said "Oh my gosh, I'm hungry and I didn't realize it was so late - want to meet me for a salad?" - and I said YES SIRREE... and went and had a salad at Olive Garden (no croutons)... drank unsweetened iced tea... and we talked and talked about our kids and nice things, and I just felt so relaxed and happy.... what a nice way to break up the day!!!!!

I had someone nonchallantly say something about my having lost weight, etc.  I have been very careful NOT to speak about weight loss... my way of eating is benefitted with weight loss, but my main concern is to be HEALTHY ... and to FEEL GOOD... and I'm on my way... I have a ways to go on finding myself in perfect health, if there is such a good thing, but today I feel "blessed" to be happy, relaxed, and I FEEL WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

I hope this lasts more than a day!!!!!

P.S.  Now if only a Gary Cooper clone would come sweep me off my feet.... he was just the epitomy of a beautiful man....

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary "F#$%#*$#" Poppins... LONDON."

It's another gray day here - yesterday brightened up - then today it got gray and damp and gloomy...Foggy, lots of FOG.... I felt like I was in London...

To brighten up my gloomy day... for some reason I thought of scenes from my favorite movie.  I don't know anyone, but myself, that Snatch (Guy Ritchie Film), from 2000, with Brad Pitt, was their favorite movie - it's mine.... I have to say, it's definitely mine....

Today I just took a few minutes break and sat here and watched the funny scenes from the movie.... I had to hold back the giggles, but couldn't contain the big smile.... I'm still trying not to giggle out loud... I think the kid and I need to see the movie from front to back this week over dinner... and have a good laugh...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Off Coffee and On to Tea....

I have been stocking up on tea bags... trying new ones, and finding out what I love the most... Tea is outrageously expensive!!!!  So, I go to places like Whole Foods or Fresh Market or even Trader Joes and look for what teas are on sale each week, and buy new ones or my favorites if they are on sale - whether I need them or not...

My absolute favorite tea - over everyone that I've had over the past few months - remains:  Revolution Sweet Ginger Peach.  It smells like a sachet bag when you pull the teabag out of the little ziplocked sealed bag they come in - inside the box... and it is good hot or cold, sweet or's perfect!!!!

I also love Revolution's Lavender Earl Grey..... I swear it is so soothing after a stressful day at the office and having to deal with awful bumper to bumper traffic with aggressive, crazy drivers out to ram you or run you off the road...
Then after a few duds... I came across a sale on Stash teas - and my favorite now in the mornings and it makes a wonderful Iced Tea.... Breakfast in Paris!!!!
And.... my favorite of all Green Teas.... is the Tazo Green Iced Tea (Unsweetened) from Starbucks... At lunch I tend to go there and grab up a TRENTA sized Iced Green Iced Tea - no syrup/SF... and drink that for the rest of the afternoon.... it has a wonderful minty refreshing flavor!!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Foggy First Day of Spring...

It took a very long time for the fog to lift and burn off today... though the sun has finally come out, it's very steamy and hot outside.  Very Summer-like rather than First Day of Spring-like.

I've received two invitations to Spring weddings.  One in April and one in May.  I'm now going to have to find something new to wear... "Love is in the air"... so the hunt begins for the perfect outfit and shoes.  I wish they were English weddings and I'd add a "Hat" to the list of things to buy!  It would also be wonderful to go to a wedding, like the one's shown in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"... I love that movie, and it just never gets boring or old to me.

Happy First Day of Spring!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Two More Days Till Spring....

Trying to be a bit artsy and funny with Noomi... we decided to do a selfie together... She's been a total Mama's girl the past couple of days, sleeping with me, washing my face and hair, jumping on me (hurts because she's about 25 lbs. now!)...

I have Frühjahrsmüdigkeit!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously.... I'm not depressed - but after having been on such an energy kick, so furiously wanting to do so much and see so much and move and be outside... all of a sudden these past two days, my mood hasn't been so sunny (just a crab-apple like mood) and my energy level dropped to nothing by 5:00 p.m. last joints were aching, I had a headache, and sure enough, it will be Spring in two days... WELL, I'm not going to let it get me - I'm going to be energetic and happy go lucky no matter what!!!!!  So back to the MANIC me!!!!  

Last night I watched Magic in the Moonlight, a Woody Allen film, the story taking place during the 1920s in the South of France on the coast, and Provence... it was breathtakingly beautiful, the story was simple/sweet, though I didn't really find any great sparks or chemistry between Emma Stone and Colin Firth - as I watched the film, I kept thinking how absolutely phenomenal it would be to have a home in Provence...with gardens full of sweet smelling beauties, herbs, ... to just lie on a blanket with a good book in the sunshine and not have to worry about Fire Ants eating me up... 

Makes me wonder - does my son remember all the times on vacation when I saw beautiful grass lawns in parks and coaxed him into lying on it and rolling around and laughing because we would not be bitten up or stung - like here in Florida where he's learned you don't do that unless you want to be covered in bites and welts... We rolled around some of the best parks.... Hyde Park right near the enterance by The Royal Albert Hall and the monument....

or one of my favorite roll in the grass times in Brussells Park.... that's where I saw my very first Magpie!!!!  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!!!!

There's a smidgeon of Irish blood running through my veins... sadly, this morning when I was putting make up on, I actually grabbed up the green eyeliner and shadow set, and then "poo-poo'ed it" and put it away, because I decided on neutrals... then I wore black and white... those little Irish genes of mine were trying so hard to come out for their special day, but I think the English, German, and Welsh genes prevailed.... I totally forgot today was St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all... I'll be home watching a movie, eating cauliflower, and relaxing with the cats... what an exciting life I lead!!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Feeling Better and Better....

This weekend was a whirlwind of activity and accomplishments...

The kid's bed was delivered and set up ...

Got my hair done...

Went shopping for vegetables and fruits at the market...

Have a sparkling, dust free, clean home that smells so sweet and clean...

Went SHOPPING... HAD a Blast!!!!  I managed to find the perfect, and very good quality comforter set, bed skirt, pillow cases, and new bathroom rug all at least 75% off without breaking my bank!!!!  We are almost finished!!!  We just have to mount the TV and game set on the wall and shelving - and some inexpensive curtains - hang his artwork up, and buy a wallsconce for beside his bed for lighting and FINISHED!!!  I couldn't take any photos because he had piles of laundry here and there - and I really didn't want to share that... with anyone.  Tonight I'm going in there and put the laundry in its rightful place and take some pictures to show the progress....

I have cooked one incredibly delicious meal after another for the kid and I... He's been told - to live in my home as he has, means nothing with sugar, processed white flour, etc., is allowed in my home... he has to eat the way I am in the house.  I don't care what he does when he's out and about... Just nothing to dirty up my food storage and cause me to move over to the darkside again... and you know, he and I are both feeling much better, lighter, happier, sleeping better!!!!!  It's benefitting us both to eat better ....  Last night's dinner was Cajun Chicken stuffed with Spinach and Pepper Jack Cheese.  It was wonderful... I love Spinach!!! I love veggies.

This morning - Habibi was very appreciative of my energy and feeling good.  I woke up before the alarm and took him into the bathroom and groomed him... his allergies are terrible, so his eyes are really icky bad.  He has no sinus cavities from being so severely pug faced, so it makes his eyes weep and get crusty, icky... I wish I could give him Allegra for Kitties, though I don't know that they have such a thing!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Tonight I accepted an invitation to join a group that play BUNCO!!!! at a beautiful (my favorite) country club... the salads and soups they have at this country club are wonderful - I'm looking forward to it... but mostly for the fun of playing the game and meeting new people...  This group meets one Thursday every month... I'm in... it's better than sitting around with cats, watching tv, and doing nothing because I'm tired or bored or not feeling well... I'm not having that anymore... now... I don't have time for feeling bad... it's time to move!!!!

So you ask, What's Bunco?  Well here's a tutorial....  (Our Winning Prize is the pot of money collected by every player)


• Take 12 score sheets and secretly draw a star on four of the sheets. Have each person pick a score sheet, this will tell you who will be starting at the head table. The remaining 8 players can sit at the "Middle" or "Losing" tables.

• Each table is randomly divided into 2 teams. Team couples sit across from each other. Pick one person on each team to tally points during each round. Keep track of team points by using the tally sheet--these points are only used for each number round. To save paper, just cross out previous rounds tallies and continue with new round on the same paper .

• The "Head" table controls the pace of the game. The game begins when the "Head" table rings the bell. One player from each table starts the game by trying to roll "ones" with the 3 dice. Always take your roll using 3 dice. If 1 of the die shows the number currently "up" tally 1 point, if 2 of the dice show the number currently "up" tally 2 points.

• When you roll "three of a kind" of the number you are currently rolling this is a BUNCO !!!(21 points). Keep rolling and collecting points. Do not forget to give yourself, not your teammate, one BUNCO !!! point on the bottom of your score sheet after your turn is finished.. If at this time or any other time a player at the "Head" table rolls a BUNCO !!! the bell is rung & the round stops. The other players currently rolling finish their turn and continue collecting points .

• Remember, the fuzzy die is passed from player to player as BUNCO'S !!! are rolled.

• If you roll "three of a kind"--of another number--give your team 5 points and keep rolling and collecting points until you do not roll the number that is "up".

• If you do not roll the number that is currently "up" the person to your left takes their turn.

• When the "Head" table reaches 21 points or rolls a BUNCO !!! they ring the bell to signal the end of that round. The number currently up changes to the next number (1 to 2, 2 to 3 , etc.).

• The winning team stays at the "Head" table. Have one teammate move over a chair so they will have different partners for the next round. The losing team from the "Head" table goes down to the "Middle" table.

• The winning team from the "Middle" table goes to the "Head" table & the winning team from the "Losing" table goes to the "Middle" table. The losing team from the from the "Middle" table goes down to the "Losing" table & the losing team at the "Losing" table stays at the table but one player moves over one chair so they will have a different partner..

• At this point write W or L (Winner or Loser) on your own score sheet for that round. Keep your score sheet with you at all times. Do not stay with your partner--your new partner will be one person from the winning or losing team joining you at the "Winning", "Middle", or "Losing" table.

• The "Head" table rings the bell to signal the start of a new round.

• If the teams have a tie score there will be a roll-off to determine the winner. ( See roll-off--BUNCO !!! Lingo)

• Play continues for two complete sets. At this point, take a break for dessert and then continue the last 2 sets.

The game ends when all 4 sets of BUNCO !!! have been completed. Each person then adds up the their total BUNCO'S !!!, Wins, & Losses from each round and writes the totals at the bottom of their score sheet. Prizes are awarded at this time.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Cleaning & Painting... The Work has Begun....

We will begin with not such great photography, but the before pictures... Beginning with a tiny bedroom and bathroom, used by my 24 yr. old son ... he's sleeping on my baby brother's extra long twin - the bed is OLD... the walls are that flat cheap builder grade white paint... it shows every bump, scrape, scratch, etc. and is not washable... 

I bought the gray paint from Benjamin Moore that would not be too dark/too drab/or too light... and we began painting this weekend - FINALLY!!!!! Yahooo!!!!

By 4 p.m., after starting at 10:30 a.m., the bedroom and bathroom were completely finished - and now just waiting for everything to settle and dry 

View from freshly painted bedroom to freshly painted bathroom.. in the bright light of the bathroom you can see it makes the gray bright and cheerful... and in the dim light of his bedroom, it's a good true gray.

The bathroom was dry - but still haven't hung up the framed pictures - hate to put a nail hole into these perfectly clean, freshly painted walls!!!!
 As you can see there's no taking a photo in my home without there being a photobombing cat.  This is Noomi - she believes that this bathroom and the kid's bedroom are her's... she's very appreciative of the painting and cleaning ... I got lots of head butts and purrs.

Basically, this weekend, while my friend was painting - she loves to paint... I got out from underneath her feet and began decluttering and Spring Cleaning.  I steam mopped the floors, scrubbed tubs, walls, dusted every surface possible, every knick knack was taken down and thoroughly cleaned, framed pictures, mirrors, you name it - there "was" no dust in my home when I finished... I threw out a bag of undonatable clothes and junk, and donated clothes to my friend and her aunt, and donated a huge bag of clothes to Good Will... I cleaned and cleaned... and then I cooked this incredible eggplant casserole - meatless eggplant lasagna type thing where I used the eggplant slices as the noodles... it was incredible.  When everything was finished, put away, and I could just stop - I collapsed in this...with my remote control...and watched tv... and suffered all night long with the aches and pains of every joint and muscle I have not used in a long time.....

but of course - I was comforted by this...just that face alone can take my aches and pains away... he's my sweet, sweet boy and cuddlebug.  

As we get his new bed and then pictures and shelving finished in his room, I will be taking more photos - as well as - the final photo of the bathroom once we have the framed pictures up on the wall and all the towels in place, etc.  So far - I feel so ACCOMPLISHED... 

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Decorating Finally Begins...

Yesterday, I ran home, made some lunch, and sat out on my terrace and basked in the sunshine and warmth - it was almost 90 degrees outside, sunshine, blue skies dotted with puffy cotton ball clouds, and a good strong breeze.  It was gorgeous!!!  I was not going to allow this one day of beautiful weather pass me by while I toll away on files and documents inside an office.  It just made my day so positive!!

Then today I woke up and it is a lot cooler out, raining, grey, and yet, I'm still happy... today's the day we start with the re-decorating my son's bathroom and bedroom.  Last night I scrubbed the bathroom walls down to make sure there was no beard trimmings, cat hair and dust to fuzz up the paint.  He worked on removing everything from his bedroom walls and getting out as much as he could...  I took a couple before pictures this time and saved them, so I can do a Before and After post.  

I couldn't believe how much energy I had yesterday. After weeks, or should I say months, of being sick, on antibiotics, feeling miserable and lacking any mobility, I all of a sudden, yesterday, after a day of work, still had the energy to clean walls, do some house chores, cook an incredible dinner... etc.  The only thing I noticed was that I began to get the shakes after I was finished... I'm guessing the lack of sugar and carbs and all that energy used - my sugar must have dropped like a hypoglycemic's... so I ate some berries and drank a lot of water and it went away.

I'm feeling peppy today too.  I'm ready for this weekend of getting the largest parts of my re-decorating plans completed.  Once that fresh paint is up and all the clutter moved out - things are going to look awesome!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I have been extremely busy at work, with no time for breaks, or nice lunches out, and lots of long hours... I don't see sunlight...  My health has been lousy, I had a terrible scare with my hair falling out, getting sick with another very bad sinus infection, bronchitis like cough, throat, etc. - miserable.  I told the doctor something has to give... I'm "sick and tired" of being "sick and tired"... this is NOT me.  I'm tired of people saying "are you feeling better?"  I don't want to be known as the "sickly" one. 

I had extensive blood work done - and I was extremely dehydrated, very low on potassium, vitamin B-12, D, and my sugar levels were going up and up... SO... not quite a diabetic, but I'm on the road to being one - and honestly, I do not want to add that to the list of ailments!!!  (obviously I swayed away from my healthy eating last year)

My pride - my vanity - all is centered around my hair!!!!  I think the fact that I started seeing hunks of hair coming out of my head scared me more than anything else!!!!  

SO... today I began my day of eating smart.  No more feeling sorry for myself because I can't get healthy - instead, I'm going to be taking loads of vitamin supplements, and my cabinets and fridge are being emptied and refilled with spices, fresh products, healthy foods, and a lot of SUPER foods.  I read that 6 meals of fish a week with a super food green is the SMARTEST way to eat.  I am going to have to get over my "issue" with smelling the house up by cooking fish, and start broiling or sauteeing up some delicious filets... I am surrounded by fresh seafood because I live in Florida...

The first week of April, I re-do lab work and see the doctor for my re-check - and to see if I've been smart and doing things right...

Tomorrow morning, at 7 a.m. I will be walking ... I don't care who sees me - I'll just throw on shoes and walk out the door and walk... in my pajamas.... I live in Florida - there are no dress codes ...