Thursday, September 11, 2014

I Don't Bark, I "Cough" "Wheeze" and "Rage"....

Editing my Rant and Rage.... got it out of my system, now time to smile and move on :)

Yesterday, I stood up for a little old lady who had called me crying from the hospital because her 5 grown children were already fighting over her estate, and she was not dead!  Well, today I made a trip with co-worker, to the ICU at the hospital, met up with doctor and nurses, and read the little woman who was so sick all the documents she wished for me to prepare, and she signed; they were what she wanted (not her ungrateful children's wishes) and she signed, the nurses witnessed, and the doctor provided a document that the lady was of sound mind and had her full wits about her to understand what she was saying, signing and understanding... Now ... I hope she gets better and gets to go home and not have to deal with such awfulness again!!!!!!!   

(96) The Passive Aggressive Vaguebooking Wives

Today, I stood up for myself, in regards to the poor treatment and quality of service from the pharmacy - My active aggression was that I wrote a letter to his boss, to corporate, and faxed it, and mailed hard copies, and done... lets just say, I made it known that I was taking my business elsewhere... maybe enough other people complain and they'll find better employees or retrain the ones that they have on customer service skills.

Your passive aggression will be met with my active aggression.

Let's just say that it is QUIET in the office, people are smiling and pleasant and going out of their way to be professional and friendly... WHAT a difference it makes after I finally snap - and am backed up when a client repeats verbatim everything I've complained about.... Honestly, it's not about whether they keep their jobs or not, it's whether or not they do their job and in a professional manner that does not adversely affect their co-workers and clients.  That's all....  and my professionalism pays off once again, I received a beautiful thank you card from a client along with a gift certificate for the assistance I provide that is more than expected... I like to make people happy ... I go out of my way to do so when it comes to work, and normally it pays off!!!!!!

Why have I been such a grouch and miserable:  I was diagnosed after a trip to the doctor's office on Monday morning, after spending half of Saturday and all of Sunday in bed, coughing, wheezing, blowing, feverish, and miserable... with Bronchitis, Sinus Infection, my right ear was infected, Strep Throat (been so long now since tonsils were out, strange to have strep!!!)... I was out of work for two days, and yesterday went back and the doctor cleared me to go back to work... I almost made it through an entire day!!!  Then ended up with very low grade fever again, in bed for the night coughing and hacking, with hot tea to sip and two snuggle bug cats.... 

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