Tuesday, October 8, 2013

50 LBS... gone... woosh....

I've been so busy at work, I think I worked myself out, as no matter all the vitamins, healthy diet, and adding exercise... I'm home with Bronchitis, sinus infection and fever... Doctor prescribed an army of pills and inhalers, and 48 hours of bed rest.  But it doesn't take the excitement away from the fact that I've finally reached my first goal!!!!!

AND that is with having lots of sodium packed Egg Drop Soup.  I've been sick for 2 weeks, but thought it was just allergies and change of weather... so I've been working, going home, sucking down egg drop soup (because I don't have Mom here to make her wonderful healing soups and hot tea-I can only take her advice and have egg drop soup instead - to the point that my son says he doesn't want Chinese food again for quite a long time), and sleeping ...

Off to take my evening doses and watch mindless television - I really think it is starting to melt my brain.


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