Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What Do I Really Think.....

I've been busy at the office, and a little stressed - because I have so much to do and I have to be interrupted with nonsense, disrupted by obnoxious ... well... enough said, it's the same old, same old... so in humor to my rotten past few weeks of dealing with the most obnoxious and unprofessional co-workers..... I post these wonderful little humorous pics/sayings... 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Heat Wave....

Well if I have not lost as much as I wanted to - after the next few days of sweating, I should meet my goal!!! We are under heat advisories and warnings - stay in the A/C ... check on your neighbors and elderly loved ones... Winter cannot get here fast enough!!!!

I have lost almost 30 lbs in the past three months.  I'm very proud of myself, ... still got a long road ahead....

New favorite meal:

Whole Wheat Pita Pizzas

A little olive oil brushed on the bread
Thinly Sliced Tomatoes
Thinly Sliced Red Onion
Chopped Roasted Garlic Cloves from Fresh Market
Fresh chopped Basil leaves
Chopped Kalamata Olives
Crumbles of Feta Cheese
Mozzarella Pearls

Baked at 375 for about 15-20 minutes till all is melted and bubbly...


I'm thinking of trying a more Middle Eastern one... using Hummus or Baba Ganoush as the base then toast it up with tomatoes, red onions, basil, parsley, garlic, squeeze of lemon juice, olives, and feta... I think it would be amazing.... 

I found the local Middle Eastern bakery in my city and bought up a bunch of pita fresh out of the oven - still warm in the bag - took them home and froze half and we've been eating sandwiches or making pita pizzas for dinners.