My BFF's cat, Jackson, was the largest grey tabby cat I've ever seen. He was an outdoor cat, and just mozied on around the condominiums like he owned the place. Nobody messed with him because he was just huge, quite plump too... when I'd get out of my car, he'd stroll up, flop over on his back and rub around my feet for loving. Or, she and I would be standing outside talking, and he'd do Circle 8's around my ankles ... She and I had been really busy one day, and she was over at my condo - when there was a scraping sound at my door - we opened the door, and there he was, sitting pretty, telling her it was time for her to come home - so he could get some food, water and sleep time... He was over 14 yrs old, and a friend of her daughter's backed up out of her parking spot (yesterday), not knowing Jackson was under her car, and killed him....
My friend is devastated...
So, my Noomi and Habibi got some extra hugs and kisses last night - I would be so devastated if anything happened to them... of course, mine never step foot outside unless in their little pet carrier... but you just never know ... my fears are always that they will make a wild mad dash outside... the truth is, they really have no interest whatsoever except for the birds in the trees - and they seem content to stay in the climate controlled home and watch them through the windows... they live the life of luxury and seem to appreciate it very much so....